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Version: 2023 R2

Global constants

Global constants are shared across the entire system.
Process constants, available only to the process for which they were defined are found [HERE].

Using constants

The constants mechanism is used for defining custom constants which are specific to the environment.

Using defined constants in the expression editor (as well as in other fields where the variables editor may be used) will allow for a smoother migration between environments, since it won’t be necessary to manually alter environment-specific values.

Example 1: Multiple actions in a process use the same SharePoint library address in their configuration – a constant containing that address is created, and it is referenced in all the actions configurations where the address is needed. If the SharePoint library address ever needs to be changed, instead of manually modifying the configuration of each and every action to reflect the change, only the value in the constant will need to be updated – all actions that reference the constant will automatically use the new address.   Example 2: An SQL Grid displays a site address. This site address is different between TEST and PROD environments. Transferring from the test environment to the production environment would normally require manually modifying the address every time it appears in the system. However, by defining a constant with different site addresses for different environments – every occurrence of the constant would automatically adjust the site address to suit the environments.

Example 1: Multiple actions in a process use the same SharePoint library address in their configuration – a constant containing that address is created, and it is referenced in all the actions configurations where the address is needed. If the SharePoint library address ever needs to be changed, instead of manually modifying the configuration of each and every action to reflect the change, only the value in the constant will need to be updated – all actions that reference the constant will automatically use the new address.

Example 2: An SQL Grid displays a site address. This site address is different between TEST and PROD environments. Transferring from the test environment to the production environment would normally require manually modifying the address every time it appears in the system. However, by defining a constant with different site addresses for different environments – every occurrence of the constant would automatically adjust the site address to suit the environments.

Global constants are added in the System configuration tab, process constants are added in the Processes tab, at individual process level.

Defined constants can be found and accessed on the variables tree, under the Constants node. They can be used in an SQL expression, or any other field that can reference variables. To insert a variable from the tree into a prompt field, either double click the chosen value or drag and drop it.

I. Global constants in System settings

II. Constants at process level

III. Constants as they appear on the Variables editor tree

./img/drex_SystemSettings_GlobalVariables_custom.png ./img/drex_SystemSettings_GlobalVariables_custom_2.png

I. Global constants in

System settings


II. Constants at process level

III. Constants as they appear on the Variables editor tree

Adding and configuring constants

Adding constants and group is done with the help of the toolbar:


New Constant – Creates a new constant. A constant's configuration consists of a Name, Description and specific Values which the constant assumes depending on the environment.

If the Break inheritance checkbox is not marked, the constant will assume the Shared value. If the checkbox is marked for an environment, the value defined for that environment’s will be used instead of the shared value.

The Usages tab contains a system tree which shows where the constant is referenced.

For better organization, constants can be divided into groups.

New Group – Adds a new group under the constants node. A group can be given a Name and Description.

To assign a constant to an existing group, the Group must be selected from the drop-down menu in the configuration screen of individual constants.

Constants which belong to a group will now be displayed under their group’s node.