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Version: 2023 R2

Rating scale

The form field allows users to select one value (which may be treated as a mark) from the previously defined scale.
The basic configuration of form fields is presented in the General form field configuration.

Advanced configuration


1. Question

  • Text – the question content that will be displayed instead of the field name.
  • Show question text – the selection list allows users to specify the location of the displayed form field name. There are three options available: Do not show, Beside, and Above.

2. Scale values

  • Min – specifies the minimum value that a user can select.
  • Max – specifies the maximum value that a user can select.

3. Description of values on the scale

  • Min – the text entered in this field is displayed next to the minimal value.
  • Max – the text entered in this field is displayed next to the maximum value.

