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Version: 2023 R2

Performance indicators

Performance indicators are used to calculate task execution statistics. The start and end point of this calculation can be elastically set using available actions: Start performance indicator, Stop performance indicator, as well as Cancel performance indicator

New Performance Indicator

1. Archived indicator

Marking a performance indicator as archive means that it will no longer be calculated, even if the actions to start and stop the indicator counting are configured (Start performance indicator and Stop performance indicator).

The archive indicator will also not be available in application dashboards and it will not be possible to select it in the configuration of newly created actions.

The archive indicator will still be visible in the history of the instance and on the information panel of the form, if it has been calculated before.

2. Expected value

The parameters allows you to define a level, the exceeding of which is signaled with a red color in graphical reports presenting the value of the indicator. The expected value is also available as a variable in rule builders.

3. Operating mode

This parameter defines how this indicator calculates its value.

The indicator is expressed as a period of time in minutes that elapsed from when the indicator started counting (using the action Start performance indicator) to when it was stopped (using the action Stop performance indicator).

Based on the option selected here, this period will be measured in different ways:

Calculate based on calendar days
The indicator directly calculates the difference between the start and end dates. Other parameters like weekends, the working days calendar, and work time are not taken into account.

1 day is exactly 24 hours.

Calculate based on working days
The indicator calculates the difference between the start and end dates while taking into account the Working days calendar defined in the Global parameters in the System Settings as well as the Working time defined for the indicator.

Days off defined in the working days calendar do not increase the value of the indicator, while working days increase it by the time defined in the Working time on a working day as well as the time at which the Stop performance indicator action was executed.

This means that the length of a working day can be different for each indicator, and can be configured to be between 0 and 24 hours.

Calculate based on rule
The indicator is calculated based on an Indicator calculation business rule defined for the indicator.

The rule is evaluated when the Stop performance indicator action is executed. The value returned by the rule is treated as the final value of the indicator.

For this setting, it is not possible to estimate the current value of the indicator before its calculation is finished.

This means that in graphical controls on the form and Dashboards that present performance indicators will not display this value until it finishes calculating.

4. Working time

This parameter is used to define the Working time within a working day. This configuration ins only used for the Calculate based on working days method.

If the indicator calculation was started using the Start performance indicator action, then the time will be added to the indicator for each working day in which the calculation was active.

The performance indicator will continue counting until the Stop performance indicator action is executed.

If the calculation is stopped in the middle of a working day, then only the difference between the stop time and the start hours of the working day will be added to the indicator.

5. Indicator calculation business rule

Rule used to calculate the final value of the indicator (expressed in minutes) by using any business rules. The rule is evaluated when the Stop performance indicator action is executed.


There are additional variables to aid in this calculation:

Indicator start date – date and time (according to the database time) of the Start performance indicator action execution.

Start value – value of the indicator at the beginning of the calculation. This value can be different than 0 and depends on the Start performance indicator action configuration.

Previous indicator stop date – date and time (according to the database time) of when the indicator was previously stopped (in case that it was stopped and is now being started again).

If the Stop performance indicator action is executed for the first time, this variable will be empty.

6. Working day length

The parameter allows you to specify the length of a working day when calculating the indicator based on a business rule.

This configuration affects the presentation of the indicator value on the user interface (reports, dashboards, forms).

The value displayed as one working day will correspond to the exact number of hours and minutes defined here.


Additional info with examples of use can be found in our Performance Indicators article on the Community site.