Items list acceptance advanced settings
1. Active
Activates permission validation on item list rows. Privileges will be checked before the user is allowed to add/edit rows on the item list.
2. Enable substitutions
Enables substitutions. Substitions are assigned in the same way as the privileges to the replaced person.
3. Dynamically
Specifies whether the privileges to the items row list will be allocated dynamically based on one of the columns, or based on the SQL/CAML query.
4. Column
Specifies whether the privileges to the items row list will be allocated dynamically based on one of the columns of this list.
5. Picker's column
Specifies which picker's column will be taken into account during privileges verification to the items list rows.
6. SQL/CAML query
Specifies whether the privileges to the items row list will be allocated based on the SQL/CAML query. Query should retrieve logins.
7. Data source
Data source in context of which the query will be executed.
8. Appearance
Hide not available rows: Rows to which the logged user doesn't have privileges to will not be shown on the list.
Show not available rows readonly: Rows to which the logged user doesn't have privileges to will be shown in read-only.
Change color of available rows: Activates the option to change color of the available rows.
Background color: Changes the background color of the available rows.