Navigating the mobile application
📄️ Application interface
The mobile application interface ensures smooth and fast operation of both the application and Portal. The following page discusses the key elements that facilitate working with and navigating through the application.
📄️ Adding a trusted device
Mobile application users can register their devices as trusted in their user profile. Once the device is registered in this manner, users can then authorize operations via the mobile application.
📄️ SMS notifications
A user of the mobile application installed on their device can authorize operations using an SMS message. This message is sent to the device number defined in the BPS user profile.
📄️ PUSH notifications
The mobile application supports PUSH notifications which are utilized to inform users about new tasks or for authorizing path transitions. These notifications appear in a message bubble and are accompanied by a miniature icon in the device's status bar.
📄️ Geopositioning
The mobile application also enables you to track the geographical location of individuals as they navigate a path using it. As a result, the BPS application administrator gains valuable insights into the precise location of a specific individual.
🗃️ QR codes
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📄️ Voice memos
With the mobile application, you can utilize the voice memo recording functionality available on the form. This feature enables users of mobile devices to promptly create an audio note and attach it to the form.
📄️ Capturing and cropping photos
The mobile application enables you to capture and crop photos within the form. The photos are then added as attachments and can be used in subsequent workflow steps.